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New duplex house in Kronberg, Hessen

The new duplex house is build with a solid structure in the ground floor, made out of masonry and concrete.The basement functions as a white sag because of the swelled seepage water. From the first floor to the roof, the only stiffening wall is the concrete party wall. 

The upper and top floor is a timber structure. The outer walls in the south, east and west is a room-high trussed beam with door openings. The remaining walls are timber frames. The ceiling above the upper floor is made out of squared timber beams lying side by side. 

© mayer bährle Architekten

Involvement:             Phases 1 - 6 + 8 + EnEV

Commencement of Construction:

                                    September 2018

Cost:                           approx. 1,25 million € gross (KG 300+400)

Architect:                    mayer bährle Architekten, Lörrach

© 2021 Reiser Tragwerksplanung

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